Why do expert predictions often miss the mark?

15 August

Predicting the future has been a favourite source of conversation for thousands of years. This is especially the case in investment markets where ‘expert’ predictions earn enormous coverage through the media and online. Unfortunately, thanks to...[Read More]

Preparing for retirement in uncertain times

15 August

As most long-term investors know, investment markets have their ups and downs. The downs are usually associated with periods of uncertainty, perhaps due to political or economic factors or even natural disasters. Uncertainty leads to volatility...[Read More]

Avoiding property investment mistakes

8 August

There is an old saying that no investment is as safe as houses, but is that really the case? Recent interest rate rises after a long period of seemingly never-ending increases in property prices may prove otherwise. While it’s easy to think...[Read More]

Is an SMSF the right vehicle for your super?

8 August

You may have heard that a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can be a great vehicle for Superannuation. They can allow greater flexibility than industry or retail super funds for investments such as real property and alternative assets, and in...[Read More]

Why Millennials and beyond may never fully retire

25 July

Australian millennials are facing an unprecedented challenge when it comes to planning for retirement. Many will never fully retire, as they will be unable to accumulate the necessary funds to support themselves for an extended period. With the cost...[Read More]

The value of professional financial advice is more than money

18 July

Imagine what your life could be like. Now imagine if you had someone working with you who knew the right questions to ask to help you identify, clarify, and prioritise the goals that are most important to you. Someone who could help you understand...[Read More]

Transitioning into retirement

18 July

If you’re nearing retirement age but don’t want to stop working entirely, one option might be to transition into retirement. For those over 60, pension payments from Transition to Retirement (TTR) pensions are tax-free. For those between the...[Read More]

Stop making a super mistake today

11 July

It’s approaching the time of year when you’ll receive your annual superannuation statement. Whether it arrives via email or snail mail, many Australians rarely give it a second glance. Why this could be a super mistake It is important to know...[Read More]

Financial success means more than money

11 July

More money is not necessarily an accurate measurement of financial success. Money is just one part of financial success. The more critical aspect is what we do with the money we earn. Real financial success is attained when the accumulation of...[Read More]

What you can do to prevent fraud in your business

23 June

As a business owner, you know that financial success is key to keeping your doors open. Unfortunately, scammers are adopting new technology and more advanced methods to commit fraud leading to possible financial loss and reputational damage to your...[Read More]

Teaching new, young investors, old tricks

27 June

The newest generation of young investors was raised during the Age of Information. Growing up alongside the internet, this generation has been exposed to more information and technological advancement than any generation before them. Young...[Read More]

On shaky ground? How natural disasters impact property values and insurance

27 June

Australia's vast expanses varied climates and topography make us prone to natural disasters. Recently we’ve experienced the devastating impacts of bushfires, flooding, as well as significant storm events and cyclones, and even a few...[Read More]

Uncertain times, but we remain cautiously optimistic

20 June

Market performance The volatility that characterised the first few months of the year in equity and bond markets subsided in April. Expectations of a peak in central bank rate rises and better than expected earnings results helped push equity...[Read More]

Travelling the high confidence road toward retirement

13 June

As clients of a financial planner, according to the inaugural How Australia Retires1 report by Vanguard, you’re already well on your way to achieving a high confidence retirement. Overarchingly, the study found that Australians tend to take one...[Read More]

Teaching your kids about money

13 June

A survey by the University of Melbourne How Australians feel about their finances and financial services providers1 asked respondents about their biggest financial regrets. Top of the list was ‘not saving enough’, followed by ‘not investing...[Read More]